Celebrating the beauty of darker, shorter days
A few recent paintings that capture the deeper blue colour palette of winter light on Nova Scotia’s coastal shores
The mornings are dark and quiet as I feed the cats and put the coffee on. I watch as daylight slowly emerges while writing in my journal next to a crackling fire. First, I can see – just faintly – the tall slender silhouettes of poplars against a deep midnight blue sky. Then, gradually, the gardens and woodlands begin to take shape in the muted light of dawn.

Paintings of Coastal Skies
Capturing the endless varieties of ever-shifting cloudscapes
My house has a large porch and I spend most of the warmer seasons out there… One sunny Sunday afternoon, I found myself mesmerized by the fast-changing clouds. So, I got out my brush and paints and had a delightful time rushing to capture the colours and shapes.