Painted Story: We Bought a Farm
The story behind our move from city to country
This is the first in a new series of featured Painted Stories. These are painted portraits of a home, business, or place that is important to someone and the story that accompanies it. I hope you will love seeing the spaces that are important to people, learning a part of their story, and seeing it in painted form. I thought for this first post, why not start with myself?

Crafting Paintings from Personal Memories
Capturing the essential and filling in the gaps where no photos exist
Personal stories and memories are becoming increasingly the thread that runs through all the work that I create – whether the story be mine or a client’s.

Three houses for three sisters
Personalized portraits of a family home
This project was a series of three watercolour house portraits, lovingly individualized for each sister. Their father had this house built 62 years ago in north Toronto and, over the years, it became a loving homestead for frequent family gatherings. It recently came time to sell the house, and the family wanted something to capture the years of memories and laughter.