Playing with Paper: Exploring Chine-Collé
Paper collage made with a printing press and Japanese papers
It can be easy to forget to share the behind-the-scenes of what we are working on. These things can give a glimpse into the artistic process and into other ways of working that can be very enlightening and inspiring to others. So, I thought I'd share with you here a few recent explorations I made in chine-collé as well pictures of the shared studio space in which I often work
Free Ways to Refill Your Creative Well
20+ ways to get inspired in your creative life and work, without spending or buying a thing
After countless times of pushing past the point of creative health and finding myself burnt out or with no ideas/inspiration, I have learned to listen better to the warning signs. These are things that can help you to slow down, restore your energy and focus, and find new inspiration.
Finding Wisdom and Strength in Your Mistakes
Life lessons from something that seemed like a good idea, but wasn’t
I recently made a decision to do something that I later regretted. In hindsight, I can see that my intuition was warning me (quietly) that it was not the right move. All the outward aspects seemed to line up. It seemed to come together quickly and easily. I had to ask myself afterward why this had happened, what I’d learned from it, and how I might avoid it happening again.
Maker Interview: Sound & Textile Artist Emma Aurelia
A conversation about staying engaged with your materials, putting yourself out there, and believing in the work that you do
The rewards of following your own path to a meaningful creative life are so rich but often seem small and far between. We each need encouragement, support, and a sense of community – of being a valued part of something, in order to move forward. This is part of a series of conversations with makers who I feel are living with courage, from the heart.
Where Do Your Creative Ideas Come From?
How the concept of a ‘Creative Well’ can be a useful tool
In my experience, it’s not only where your ideas come from that matters, but whether you are able to tap into them, make connections between them, and take action on them. In other words, you must have space, attention, AND ideas to draw from. To help navigate this, I’d like to look at the idea of a creative well. I have found this to be such a powerful and helpful visualization because it’s so tangible.
On the Need For Space in the Creative Process
How I navigated a recent need for space in my creative process
There is a time for taking action and creating work, and there is also a time for rest and seeking new ideas. It is so important that you learn to trust yourself to know which you need at any given time.
Change is Possible: Creating Positive Affirmations
How you can use positive affirmations to make deep and lasting changes in your life over time
As an add-on to your daily meditation or journaling practice, you can create daily positive affirmations. These may be short sayings you have come across elsewhere that resonate with you, or they may be rewritings of your own very personal fears and limiting stories.
How to Stand Strong and Rise Above Criticism
A few words to help you keeping going as you grow into and learn to live your best life
As you begin to put yourself and your work out into the world, it is very likely that you will encounter criticism – some helpful, and some startling and crushing. I am here to tell you that you are strong, you are brave. You can find those who support you and your work. You can keep going. I hope this post will help you learn to manage the criticism in a way that keeps it separate from your sense of self-worth and allows you to become stronger and more sure-footed each time.
Money is Not Your Only Resource
So often, our default seems to be to want ‘more’. It becomes important to ask whether you do, in fact, want more – and then, to ask more of what and why?
We recently came to a realization around money and resources that upturned everything... A few seasons ago, we went for a weekend morning walk in a wealthy Montreal neighbourhood. There were beautiful cars, well-heeled women hurrying into full restaurants for brunch, and armloads of boutique shopping bags.
The Importance of Kindness
A few thoughts about giving care to the energy you send out into the world around you
I have come to consider kindness crucial to living well and happily. Much as we have come to see time as sacred and to be cherished, your energy is also limited and, therefore, sacred. Your energy and the energy of those around you has an enormous impact on your sense of well-being and your ability to do your best work.